Last night while lying in bed and trying desperately to fall asleep (this being an every night occurance due to my life- long friend, insomnia) I was jostled by a very loud BANG on what I think was the roof! I was slightly disoriented of course. The noise was very loud and I’m pretty sure the house shook.
Anyway, I shot up straight and said “What the heck was that?!?”
My husband, who had been blissfully sawing logs next to me, didn’t seem to hear the same thing I did. He responded that it was probably ice thawing… Ice thawing? Clearly he didn’t hear what I just heard!
“Babe, it shook the house!” I said
“(YAWN) It wasn’t that bad babe, its fine… go to sleep.”
---Fast Forward 45 minutes---
I am at sleeps door…. I have just arrived!
Oh how sweet it –
“Babe, are you awake?”
I purposely don’t answer. I can’t believe this is happening. I was just dozing off. At a DECENT HOUR EVEN!
“Are you sure that sound came from the roof and not the basement? “
This isn’t happening….
I respond “What are you talking about?”
At this point, Matt is out of bed and standing in the hallway with the bright overhead hall light on. He is concerned that it may have been the furnace (a noise similar to this came from the furnace last winter and all I know is there was a lot of smoke involved).
“Why are you concerned about this an hour later?!?” I ask, blatantly annoyed
“It has only been like, ten minutes!” He responds
“No! It’s been 45 minutes!!!!”
Apparently time goes by a bit faster in dream land as opposed to HERE IN INSOMNIAVILLE!!!
As it turns out, the furnace is fine.
I still don’t know what landed on the roof.
Matt is sound asleep… again. (grrr)
It is now around 12 midnight.
The pilot for “Roseanne” has just started on TV Land….
And I have once again managed to scare sleep away like a timid cat.... Lucky me.